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Integral solutions for agriculture

Our company has ventured into comprehensive solutions for agriculture, allowing the farmers to have a unique service that encompasses all their needs for technological support, health, and safety at work. Our interest is to support the technological development of your company to leverage the competitiveness of your business

Our Platform offers the following services:

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  • Planning of tasks and/or fieldwork
  • Fieldwork control and execution
  • Verification of field personnel
  • Inspection of new developments
  • Control of work in teams or crews
  • Monitoring of field events
  • Agricultural payroll per day, per task, or piecework
  • Integral solutions for agriculture

We offer a mobile solution that works in specialized heavy-duty and high resistance devices. These devices allow you to report and control the news in the field through a library of images collected by workers in the crops through an agile and simple classification of such images. Since it is highly intuitive, the operator does not have to be an expert in technology.

  • Cost management of each crop
  • Management of indirect production costs
  • Other cost management

With the aim of potentiating the specialty of these tools, we make the integration with the accounting system of your preference. This helps focus on our specialty in agricultural production and its different support tools.

Find out our crop mechanics

In certain production tasks, there are a series of mechanical aids that allow the farmers to perform their work better, avoiding damage to the plantation, to the production, or to their personal integrity. We can also evaluate specific cases and design solutions applicable to cases where the existing tools are not suitable for your way of operating.

Crop monitoring goes beyond an information solution. with this tool, we intend to use drones, mechanical tools, and/or sensors to monitor large areas through film footage, images, or data collected from the state of crops. This information will allow you to take quick action to minimize crop losses.

Nowadays it is important to minimize or avoid collateral diseases resulting from the activities that workers perform in the crops. For this, we have expert consultants in the design and application of biomechanical tools used in the tasks that may end up leading to an occupational disease, or occupational hazard. All this set of solutions is linked to the whole Integral Platform for Agriculture.

The future we have with these integral solutions is promising. we are already on the way to the application of precision agriculture with homemade tools and platforms, which makes it easier for the producer to get very good quality tools at affordable costs.

Our aim is to support the following tasks with unmanned aerial or terrestrial vehicles.

Tasks we perform:

  • Soil chemical mapping
  • Leaf sampling
  • Crop inspections
  • Crop data interpretation
  • Macro element analysis and traceability
  • Satellite imagery
  • Soil potential (different crops) for field variability management
  • Crop tillage methods (depth and type)
  • Fertilizer recommendations (variable-rate application)
  • Project development (irrigation, orchard, and feasibility studies)
  • Drainage evaluation
  • Effective root depth and water capacity
  • Zone management for VRT fertilization (grading, soil chemistry sampling, and interpretation of crop data)

For the development of this project, Soft Caribbean S.A. has had the support of TECNNOVA and the co-financing from SENA in the Line for the Promotion of Innovation and Productive Technological Development. Our purpose is to contribute to the strengthening of research, technological development, and innovation processes in the Colombian productive sector.

Framework Fosforito

If you are fun of Power Builder’s Data Windows or Delphi’s Data Grid; or If you like POO in the front end, but you feel lost with Angular or any other Framework of the last generation, you will love Fosforito.

framework fosforito softcaribbean
Integración y servicios de migración


Currently, we have as state-of-the-art the non-relational database engines with Json structures as the solution to the efficient handling of large volumes of data, especially for platforms that support the load of IoT elements.
We intend to change the paradigm that exists on both relational database engines and the relationship with IoT elements. For this, we have developed a framework that involves a methodological component of modeling redundant data.
The use of this type of engine and a programming component allows performing normal CRUD operations on this model.



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